Upgrade to Thandi’s Creche 13 July 2017
From February to May we visited over 25 rural creches and so many of them really crept into our hearts – the lack of educational materials and for some the lack of infrastructure for the children that attend, hence our #RHFBuyABrick build campaign we are and have been running to build and revamp Siyanda Creche in Ntshongweni. Thanks to beautiful community support so far, the building is underway at Siyanda Creche and we were also able to offer assistance to another little place we visited that crept into our hearts – Thandi’s Creche. Partnering again with the community hearts at Nation Changers CityHill Church, we’re in process of upgrading Thandi’s Creche, we visited in May, where we found the 10 little children she cares for in clean but a VERY tiny one roomed informal facility. Today was an exciting day for Thandi and the children as their new classroom, a brand new Gemini Hut, was being installed – including burglar bars and even a little verandah for those rainy days. Tomorrow the NationChangers team will install the carpets and curtains then move over the bookcase, books, toys and puzzles and ready for a new start to a new term. Isn’t it incredible what a difference we all can make when we all come together as a community?