Uminathi Crèche Revisit 04 September 2017
4 Years ago, we met Zanele and Bahle from Uminathi. Back then, Uminathi Crèche was 16m2 wattle and daub ‘room’ where Zanele was doing her best to educate the 30-odd children from the community that attended daily. Just over two years ago, in 2015, thanks to some incredible community and corporate support, we officially opened Uminathi crèche – which saw us refurbish the existing building and build on a brand new 64m2 building, housing classrooms, a fantasy play area, a storeroom, ablutions and a kitchen in the heart of Zwelibomvu. This was all made possible with our Buy-a-brick campaign after years of building community relationships and months of planning, building and prepping!
We visit every few months to check on their progress and see how the little ones are doing. Today a special team of volunteers joined Trustee and Volunteer Liesl Kriegich who hosted the visit, to take some supplies and treats for the children and spend a bit of time sharing some love with these littlies. SO beautiful to see how the building and gardens are thriving, and the children are growing and learning!