Mahala Market Spring Cleaning for Good 01 September 2017
We are appealing to all the ladies and gents in our community to have a SPRING CLEAN and donate any great condition pre-loved clothing / blankets / towels / scarves / hats / beaded jewellery etc. for our Clothes for Africa project we are hosting in EMBO in November – from newborn to grown-up.
The Mahala Market will be set up in the EMBO hall where we hope that 200 Gogos will come and ‘shop for free’ and be blessed with at least 5 new outfits EACH of their choosing.
After our Choose your Shoes campaign last year, we visited a further two communities with all the donations of pre-loved shoes and at one in particular, we noticed how the Gogos – when told they could choose 5 pairs of shoes for themselves – immediately went to the children’s section and so selflessly chose shoes FIRST for the grandchildren in their care!
Each of our Gogo bags is always filled with an assortment of clothing and we’ve SEEN the happiness on the Gogos faces when they find something in the bag just for them! So, we thought – why not do something like this for the Gogos? And now we humbly ask the community for donations – we’ve all got at least ONE item of clothing in our cupboards we haven’t worn in forever!