Mahala Market EMBO 16.11.17
After months of planning and the most incredible community support, today we saw Chairlady Cindy Norcott’s vision of a ‘free market’ come to life in EMBO community hall for 200 Gogo’s and Mkulu’s from the local community. Joined by a great team of volunteers from all over Durban, we set up a marquee outside the hall and the morning started off with the Gogo’s and Mkulu’s being treated to some LIVE music by Rene Tshiakanyi aswell as some delicious snacks and a hot cup of tea – thanks to CHEP for their support and sponsorship and Boxer for donating all the tea, sugar and milk! In groups of 30, the Gogo’s and Mkulu’s were then met at the door by their very own ‘personal shopper’ – our incredible volunteers – that helped them choose from thousands of donated clothing items, bras, accessories, shoes, handbags etc! These amazing elderly folk could hardly contain their excitement – our volunteers helped them to fill their big Robin Hood bags until they could not even close and then – just before they left, an extra little gift – a food hamper to take home for their families! Our most humble and grateful thanks to ALL the amazing volunteers who helped today and showed such love and respect for these elderly folk as well as with the months of sorting and packing that went into today’s event; to each and every person that donated their preloved clothing and other items; Alice Leah whose ‘bring the bras’ campaign saw the Gogo’s getting 15 bras EACH today!; The Clothing Bank for generous donation of the hanging rails and hangers which really gave our market such a professional feel as well as boxes of bras and clothing; Runga Trans for all your man and truck hours in helping to cart all the goods to the hall; CHEP for sponsoring all the catering / marquee / entertainment. What a VERY special day in the EMBO community <3