Heart of Africa Gogo Bag Visit to Hammersdale 28 September 2017
Partnering with the passionate and soulful Dr. Gcinamasiko Heritage Mhlophe, we spent the most incredible morning in rural Hammarsdale with 200 local Gogos. What a beautifully traditional morning of praise, worship and thanksgiving and a VERY powerful way to end Women’s Month! Such an incredible message shared by Gcina and the speakers of love, Ubuntu and kindness! And also, a reminder for us to all take a look around and give thanks to the incredible women in our lives, and bless them however you can! These old Gogos in ALL the communities we visit are the Heart of Africa – they’ve toiled their fields, cooked and cleaned and looked after their families as well as most putting in full day’s work over their years of life. Life has not always been easy for most of them BUT they are ALL alive and alight with faith, passion and love! What an absolute privilege to be able to salute them and bless them today! With funds raised from The Quintessential Food and Beverages Group’s Annual Charity event – Heart of Africa Wine Evening – on the 3rd of August, we were able to bless each and every single one of these Gogos with a big Gogo bag filled with food, clothing and some luxury treats of toiletries, lotions and other goodies.