Gogo Bag Blessings to Inchanga Community 31 May 2017
What an incredibly humbling visit to Inchanga this morning where nearly 250 Gogos and Mkhulu’s were gathered in AFM church hall, awaiting our team of volunteers. We arrived to be greeted by their songs of thanksgiving, praise and worship in the church and what immediately hit our team was: how far they’d had to walk to get here, how early they had to leave their homes to be here now – some in wheelchairs, lots with walking sticks the strain of their age and hardships they’ve faced over the years in their lives showing on their shoes and wrinkles on their faces and hands YET the MOST incredibly happy and grateful hearts we have interacted with in a while. It was an absolute blessing for us to serve these beautiful old souls today! Thank you to Gastrek for your truck and the wonderful team of guys to help us load and cart over tons of food and clothing to these Gogos and Mkulus. A massive thanks to all the happy helpers who volunteered on Saturday to pack all these HUGE heavy bags and of course, to the small team that joined us today to serve, your love for our community showed in every single hug, kiss and exchange of kindness with each and every one of these elderly folk! Thank you!