Eat Greek sponsored Bless-a-Granny & Grandpa visits Bill Buchanan 23.11.17
“True happiness is found in unselfish love, a love which increases in proportion as it is shared” -THOMAS MERTON, What a moving and happy morning with an incredible team of volunteers and some of the AMAZING team from Eat Greek – blessing over 70 beautiful old souls at Bill Buchanan Emerson House! Once again the gentle-hearted Rene Tshiakanyi joined us to share his gift of music with these elderly folk, getting feet tapping and singing along – you could just feel the happiness in the room! An absolutely beautiful morning filled with chatter, dancing and singing, tea and INCREDIBLE tea time treats from Eat Greek Caterers and then…the most amazing gifts donated by our community. The one Granny opened her bag and was sitting with tears in her eyes as she carefully looked through all the hand-drawn cards the children had made her. Another Granny said, “there must be a mistake, this cannot be for me”. Another couple – that only moved in two weeks ago – were completely overwhelmed by their gifts and the sentiment. Spreading love and joy! The order of the day <3 A very big THANK YOU to each and every one of you that so generously donated their gifts! Aswell as to the volunteers for your time and love shared and Katia and Nick and your team for delicious snacks, time and happiness shared here today!