BUY-A-BRICK Campaign – Siyanda Creche Build Launched July 2017

BUY-A-BRICK Campaign – Siyanda Creche Build Launched July 2017

#RHFBuyABrick2017 As our 2017 focus is on Early Childhood Development as this is the most important area to get the foundations right for small children to be able to learn and grow to their full potential. We believe that education is the main key to eradicating poverty. The first five years of a child’s life are fundamentally important. They are the foundation that shapes children’s future health, happiness, growth, development and learning achievement at school, in the family and community, and in life in general From March to May we have visited over 20 under-resourced creches with our ‘Love to Read’ campaign we’ve been launched in February, and we have distributed book shelves, filled with books, toys, educational implements, porridge, biscuits and eats, colouring in books and crayons and party packs for the children. This campaign highlighted the plight of some of the poorest creches where there is a daily struggle to care for the children. We were touched by the teachers bursting into tears when receiving the books and toys as for the first time, they are equipped to teach the children in their schools. One that really stood out was Siyanda Creche, highlighted to us by The Christian Social Services, because of the incredible story and passion behind the young woman that owns the crèche as well as the happy little hearts that attend the crèche even though they are in desperate need of a structural build as well as safety and educational elements AND proper ablution facilities! We invite you to be part of and FOLLOW OUR JOURNEY as we have committed to building quality facilities and refurbishing the existing structure, including classrooms, a hygienic ablution facility, kitchenette and storeroom at Siyanda Creche in Ntshongweni and we are appealing for your help! Our vision – to create a sustainable development which will provide lasting change in the community. Why? Because, if we can begin to educate our youth and grow solid foundations from as early as possible, we can, in fact, change the children’s future and in turn our country’s future. We are looking to raise over R350 000 to build new, refurbish old and fully fit the classrooms for a new and improved Siyanda Creche, that will be there to serve many generations of children to come and officially become the feeder school to Lalelani Primary which is situated just below the crèche. Giving the children in this community a good educational start in life will go a long way to help them make a meaningful contribution to society in the future. Where we are at: Thanks to our recent partnership with The Caxton Group and Galeforce Marketing and amazing community support of the event, our Annual Fundraising evening has raised R105 000 • We have applied for connection of water and electricity meters • Ownership documents on file • Elangeni Buildings are drawing plans and awaiting dates to ‘break ground’ Where we are going: • Phase 1 will entail land levelling, refurb and build • Phase 2 will entail ‘kitting out’ the crèche will educational materials etc and development of outdoor play area • Phase 3 will entail development of veggie garden, chicken farming etc If you would like to get involved in anyway OR ‘Buy-a-Brick’ for only R10 to help contribute towards this build, please don’t hesitate to contact us on

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