Bless-a-Granny visit to Victory Home 01 February 2017
For the month of February, we are trying to get out and spread love and blessings in our communities and what a way to start with this beautiful visit to Victory Old Age Home in Malvern this morning! This home was highlighted to us by a knitting group in Pinetown. As a private home with little to no funding, the bulk of the 50 residents pensions goes toward their rent, which leaves little monies left over for food, toiletries and especially any luxuries!
Today, joined by an amazing team of volunteers, Tracy-Ann, Marius and Trent (who chose to celebrate his 18th birthday here today) and Klokie from Mpowerment – who donated ALL the delicious snacks – these residents were abundantly blessed. Thanks to all who so generously donated towards their hampers. Thinking they were just joining us for a Tea, there were tears of joy from so many and shrieks and applause when each and every resident was gifted with a HUGE bag filled to the brim with toiletries, toilet paper, towels, facecloths, tea, sugar, rice, soya, porridge, canned food, oil and margarine generously donated by Willowton Oil and a variety of soups generously donated by Floyds Foods AS WELL as a care hamper filled with knitted goods by the Knitted with Love ladies AND a bucket filled with cleaning products from Chem-pack! What an incredible spirit-lifting day for these elderly folk and the perfect way to spread the love this month!