Bless-a-Granny visit to Kings Hall

Bless-a-Granny visit to Kings Hall

A delightful visit with the elderly folk at TAFTA Kings Hall this morning with a fabulous team of volunteers armed with cakes and tea time snacks and all the absolutely stunning gifts donated by our generous public. Thank you!! What a vibrant and beautiful morning filled with laughter and love as the elderly were treated to live performances by two fabulous local artists, Rene Tshiakanyi and Maya Dancer Senta Duffield, as well as neck and shoulder massages by the wonderful team from 9 in Nimmo created smiles from ear to ear of every single Granny and Grandpa in the room

A special message from a Granny who thoroughly enjoyed all the festivities, “This day will stay in my mind for the rest of my life, thank you thank you, I love you” #spreadlove

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