Back to School visit 6 – Sicambeni Primary School in Port St Johns
Our final #Back2School2020 project of the Term took us a little further afield today as we joined the incredible community hearts from Umngazi Spa and Hotel in rural Isicambeni to visit a primary school that has been declared a disater zone yet driven by a school body that refuses to give up as these little ones have no where else to go
The school’s structural ‘decay’ has not stopped the learning under the exceptional guidance of the Principal and the Vice Principal as they do what they can to try and make the conditions bearable and safer for the near 160 little learners that have nowhere else to go
Absolutely incredibly well behaved, polite and love-filled children, so bright and so passionate about learning, despite the condtitions they’re in
A powerfully moving day and a reminder of how when we think that what we might be able to do to help might not be enough to make any difference, actually might just make all the difference in the world to another.
Beautiful and emotive photos courtesy of BlueEyed Child