Anthony Whatmore sponsored Bless-a-Granny & Grandpa visits John Conradie 21.11.17
Our most grateful thanks to Anthony Whatmore & Associates for sponsoring all the tea time treats and entertainment, AND to each and every person that pledged and donated beautiful gifts for this visit to John Conradie this morning for nearly 300 Grannies and Grandpas! The incredible team of volunteers that joined us were on TOP form – having the tables all set with the plated snacks, tea ready for service, gifts all lined up so with Rene Tshiakanyi strumming some of his beautiful tunes as the Grannies and Grandpa’s entered the hall, the excitement was completely overwhelming! And of course our two littlest volunteers – Katie and Rachel – just melted hearts throughout the morning <3 Thank you to Renna and Mel from TAFTA for being so accommodating, today was the most beautiful, heartwarming morning – laughter, tears, dancing, singing and some marvelous chatter over a cup of tea. And of course, the beautiful gifts to top it all off. “It’s the little things that sometimes make the biggest difference”